My Experience with Systemic Enzymes

I discovered systemic enzymes many years ago and used them off and on for pain and general health maintenance. I rediscovered Wobenzym in 2002 when I discovered two lumps in my left breast along with a bloody discharge. Talk about being in a panic.

I decided against a biopsy because I read it can spread malignant cells. I chose to go the natural route with a super clean diet, juicing and meditation. I visited a well known holistic MD who prescribed 30 Wobenzym a day. A truckload of research has been conducted in Germany using Wobenzym for cancer. My breast pain stopped and the only time the discharge reappeared was if I ate soy, so no soy for me, even now.

During this time, my aches and pains vanished and although I was pretty much an emotional wreck, my body felt great. Which is pretty amazing when you think about it. Stress usually makes everything, including pain, worse. The rosacea that plagued me for years disappeared. I cannot positively attribute that to the Wobenzym, but I feel certain it played a part. Wobenzym cleans the blood of yeast and there seems to be a connection there for me. After about three months, I decided to have the lumps removed. They were, thankfully, benign.

I discovered Vitalzym when one of the acupuncturists in the office started giving it to her patients. I tried it and noticed that my neck and shoulders that usually have some degree of stiffness from a pronounced scoliosis were remarkably loose, and the range of motion in my neck increased.

I have fibrocystic breasts and if I have caffeinated tea too often, I will have discomfort. If I go on the Wobenzym or Vitalzym for a few days, it disappears.

My clients and I have depended on these supplements for years. I want you to know there is another way to take care of yourself that does not involve putting your liver, heart and kidneys at risk.

Order Wobenzym  Order Vitalzym Order Fibrozym Order Nattokinase Order Rutozym

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